Teen Hiking Club


Survival Skills & Hike

June 2nd, 11-3 pm

We have Joe Blevis joining us for Carving skills and more for the June Teen Hike!

These will be similar to our Teen Summer Camp week August 12-17!

Monthly Hiking club for 11-16yo

This program will give time for tweens and teens to connect with each other and with nature!

The meeting location will change every month so the group can explore different terrain and environment.

Each adventure will include education on hiking safety, how to read trail markers, wildlife safety, how to hike and lead in a group, and any questions that may come up during our adventure.

Space is limited, register below!

Questions? Email us here.


Outdoor Play Connection is committed to accessibility. If this cost is prohibitive for you, please apply for a scholar ship below.


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Join the club email list to be notified of the next date.

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